Digital Feedback System And Voting
Tracking surveys provide benchmarks of one’s own company’s performance.Product Features

Running on any Smart Tablet PC Device android, iOS and Microsoft
The report can be exported in Ms Excel Format or PDF. Daily, weekly, monthly report for feedback and rating services
Target Audience
Feedback system and voting the purpose of digital advertising. A customer satisfaction index is a snapshot at a point in time. People’s views change continuously and the performance of companies in delivering customer satisfaction is also changing.
Customer satisfaction report in real-time and is crucial for management to indentify the area for improvement. With guidance from management, employees proceed to make changes that will help to switch unhappy customers to happy customers.
User friendly CMS
Web base content management system show calendar report, digital signage and feedback and answer, lets you easy manage all tablet in counter or room quickly and easily. You can see the scheduler and type of feedback, voting, and every other useful detail. You can also see rooms at multiple locations.

Product Feature
Clear and visible signage
LED Colour on the screen let people see if a desk is elegant, booked or available at a glance. Feedback or Voting information is also displayed on-screen, Device tablet on touchscreen with interactive content and question. For complaint it will send to the direct key person mobile phone sms or delivered direct via email, Making it easy for staff to quickly find a desk or colleague.
Product Feature
Digital feedback system and voting can be integrated with queue management system and digital signage.
low-cost investment for android, iOS and Windows base.

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