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Cell Production

Guided work system with less need for transfers

Cell Production

Ergonomics and flexibility at the workstation


  • In the Cell Production method, a line of operators completes the entire final component or part assembly process based on the basic components.
  • Each operator works at an ergonomic workstation with less need for movements. The Pick-to-Light devices for each component container inform the operator of the exact pieces to pick in each step and then supervise the work, whilst a screen displays the assembly tasks to be carried out step-by-step.
  • This guided work system considerably reduces the learning curve for operators whenever there is a change of model, whilst maximising the flexibility of the workpost and facilitating operator turnaround.


  1. Our systems help to improve quality and cut delivery times.
  2. They reduce tension in the components supply chain and allow successful adaptation to personalised production and delivery deadlines.
  3. Flexibility and ease-of-use are key in our technology.